
White Californians make up the second largest racial or ethnic group statewide. White residents account for more than half of all residents in California’s less populous counties, mainly in the Northern / Sierra region. Still, the majority of White Californians reside in the Southern California and Bay Area regions.

Overview for white residents in Santa Barbara County

Color Key; Population

Color Key; Smaller Population light Purple - Larger Population dark Purple

American Community Survey Estimates, Tables DP05 and B04006 (2018-2022)

Alpine County
366employed people

Why View Data Through Lens Of A Single Race / Ethnicity

Exploring the data through the lens of one racial or ethnic group highlights how well our systems are serving that group across all issues. Scrolling through the charts below can allow you to quickly see where our systems produce better or worse outcomes for the selected group compared to other groups. As a result, the charts on this page can be used to create a data profile for that group.

For more information about how we work with data for specific racial and ethnic groups, please see our Race and Ethnicity Methodology.

Key Takeaways.


Explore More Data


Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes

Economic Opportunity

Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes


Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes

Health Care Access

Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes

Healthy Built Environment

Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes


Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes

Safety and Justice

Other races

Worse Outcomes
Better Outcomes